Journal of International Economics

IPE India > Journal of International Economics

‘Journal of International Economics (JIE)’ is the new half-yearly journal being brought out by the Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad from the month of December, 2009. A peer-reviewed scholoarly journal JIE is published in the months of June and December every year.

Aims and Scope of the Journal

The Journal is devoted to publication of professional and academic research involving original works of high quality. It aims to publish original, empirical and theoretical research papers/articles/case studies in all the areas of international economics. They include but are not limited to the following areas:

  1. Population, migration and development economics
  2. Economic Policy making, Growth, Development and Issues
  3. Economic theories and models
  4. Comparative Economics
  5. Social infrastructure
  6. International Trade and Trade Policy
  7. Trade Patterns and Trade Models
  8. International trade relations
  9. Balance of Exchange Rate Mechanism and Foreign
  10. Trade Organizations and Bodies
  11. International capital flows
  12. Multilateral Treaties
  13. Multinational Corporations
  14. International monetary systems and relations