The schedule of end Term examinations, which will contain the details regarding dates, time, duration of each examination, will be notified in advance.
(a) Students should be present in the examination hall at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start of examination. If a student is late by 5 minutes to the scheduled time, he/she must obtain written permission from the Chief Superintendent of Examination i.e., Dean or Dy Dean or in their absence the Controller of Examinations. In no case will they be permitted in the examination hall if he/she is late by 20 minutes. They will not leave the examination hall till half-an-hour before the closure time.
(b) Students are expected to carry themselves pens, pencils, ruler, and non-scientific calculator (if permitted). Borrowing materials such as calculators, pens, pencils, rulers etc. is strictly prohibited in the examination hall. Students must not carry any written material along with them to the examination hall or refer to any material pertaining to the examination, outside the examination hall during the scheduled time of examination.
(c) The students are not expected to communicate in any form with anyone else in the examination hall. Passing and receiving or seeing papers of others or copying from others during the examination is strictly prohibited. A student who will fully assists other students will be considered as guilty as the student who receives it.
(d) Students must observe strict decorum and should follow the instructions given from time to time by the invigilator. No student will take the answer book out of the examination hall. After the examination, the student is responsible for handing over the answer book to the invigilator
(e) Violation of examination norms will be treated as a serious offence and may result in expulsion in extreme cases. The student will be asked to leave examination hall if his/her behaviour is prejudicial to smooth and fair conduct of examination.
(f) In case of any complaint from the invigilator regarding a detected malpractice, the Malpractice Committee consisting of the Controller of Examinations, the Dean and the Course Coordinator concerned with the course in which the malpractice is detected, recommend suitable penalty for the same. The recommendations of this committee will be submitted to the Director for his final decision.
(g) Any grievance related to the examination should be brought to the notice of the COE in writing on the same day. If a particular student has any grievance about the marks awarded, he/she shall apply to the COE within one week of the announcement of the marks in writing. Fee for recounting is Rs.300 per subject and for re-evaluation is Rs.1,000 per subject. If there is a difference while recounting/re-evaluation, the marks will be changed in marks sheet accordingly.
(h) Those students who have not put in the specified attendance will not be allowed to write examinations. However, such students will be given a chance to write their examinations as backlog on payment of the prescribed examination fees. Students not having the required percentage of attendance in I and II trimesters will be allowed to write those examinations after III trimester examinations as backlogs and those with less attendance in III trimester will be allowed to write them as backlogs which will be scheduled during summer vacation. Those who fall short of attendance in IV and V trimesters will take their examinations after the VI term examinations as backlogs. Fee for appearing backlog exams is Rs.500/per subject.
(i) A student has to complete all the course requirements within a period of 4 academic years from the date of his/her admission. This period shall not be extended under any circumstance. If a candidate fails to do so, he/she will have to take admission afresh, fulfilling all the requirements for admission prevalent at that point of time.
(j) Issuance of Duplicate Certificates and Transcripts
If a student loses his/her mark sheets and wants to get a duplicate copy, he/she should apply to the COE along with the requisite fees. (in case of Diploma certificate No trace certificate from the Police and an affidavit in a prescribed format need to be submitted).
Fee for duplicate individual memo for each Term/backlog exam Rs. 400.00
Fee for issuance consolidate marks memo /duplicate Rs.1000.00
Fee for issuance of Certificate (in case of loss) Rs.1000.00