The Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad has started the new academic session for the PGPs 2021-23 batch with online orientation programme from 4th August, 2021 to 17th August, 2021 and an online induction programme from 18th August, 2021 to 30th August, 2021. The orientation programme provided the students a brief overview of various academic activities of the Institute such as Admissions, Scholarships, Placements, Hostel facilities, Student Activities, Examinations, Administration/Accounts, Summer Internships, IT facilities, Library facilities etc. The welcome address was delivered by Prof Nathan Subramanian, Director, IPE. The students were also addressed by the Dean, Course Coordinators and various activity heads during the Orientation. In addition, there were inspiring lectures from leading recruiters, professionals and eminent personalities. The induction programme provided inputs on Fundamentals of Statistics, Fundamentals of Accounting, Introduction to Micro and Macro Economics, Introduction to Excel etc. A detailed schedule of the orientation and induction programs along with some photos of these events is also provided.
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