One-week Program on “Governance Reforms: Strengthening Accountability and Improving Service Delivery”

[stm_title title_tag=”div” title_color=”custom” title_font_size=”36px” title_line_height=”54px” title_color_custom=”#000000″ title_margin_b=”21px” title_margin_t=”17px” title=”One-week Program on “Governance Reforms: Strengthening Accountability and Improving Service Delivery””]Two Days Hands-on Training Programme on “Financial Models for Sustainable Excellence” during 15-16 November, 2018 at IPE, OU Campus[/stm_title]

One-week Program on  “Governance Reforms: Strengthening Accountability and Improving Service Delivery”

Dr P Geeta, Programme Coordinator, IPE

Venue: Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad.