Centre for Sustainable Development’ (CSD)


The ‘Centre for Sustainable Development’ (CSD) has been set up at IPE in the year 2012-13, with a focus on promoting adoption of sustainable environmental, social and economical practices. Institute has multidisciplinary and multifarious expertise available in this domain. The Centre aims to promote education, training, research and consultancy assignments and document case studies in thrust areas of ‘Sustainable Development’.

Major objectives of the Centre are:

  • To review the ‘State of art’ on Sustainable Development and study its impact on society.
  • To promote ‘Academia – Industry’ interaction to integrate the existing body of knowledge, systems, structures, models and mechanisms associated with different SD initiatives and suggest solutions towards SD
  • To document and disseminate successful Case Studies and Lessons Learnt in thrust areas of ‘Sustainable Development’.
  • To act as a referral point for both public and private sector in disseminating information to various stakeholders including policy makers about the significance of SD and the latest developments.

The Team

  • CSD has a core team and also co-opt the other faculty members of IPE and experts from out side depending on the nature of the programme/activity/assignment.
  • Centre Advisor: Prof R K Mishra, Director, IPE
  • Members: Dr P S Janaki Krishna, Dr Ch Lakshmi Kumari, Dr Anupama Dubey Mohanty

Proposed Activities of the Centre

  • Knowledge Management in SD
    Document and map the competencies available in dealing with SD and related issues with major focus on PEs
  • SD Discussion Forum.
    Forum Meets will be organised on a regular basis that will bring together the decision makers in the Organisations and other stakeholders of important companies to elicit their view points on specific issues relating to SD and its implications to society at large.
  • Research on thrust areas:
    – Preparation of Discussion papers for effective implementation of SD.
    – Through a Multi Disciplinary Team research will be conducted in the areas relating to commitment of CPSEs towards SD
  • National/ International conferences/Public Debate and Distinguished lectures. To provide a common platform for deliberations on contemporary SD practices, issues and critical analysis of benefits to the society.
  • Bringing out Occasional Briefs/papers and Books / Journal on SD

Activities carried out at the Centre

  • Sponsored Research Projects
  • Peoples Biodiversity Registers Project (UNEP – MoEF-GEF – AP Biodiversity Board) – Prepared Registers in Hamsaladeevi and Venkatayyapalem villages in Andhra Pradesh on pilot basis.
  • A Study on the Impact of Agrarian Crisis on Migration of Farmers/Farm Labour in Andhra Pradesh, Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi
  • Study on Relationship of S&T Inputs on economic growth in the select districts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana – sponsored by DST
  • A Study on Climate Change Impact on Rural Livelihoods- UGC Project
  • Sustainability Reporting –Case Study on ECIL – Obama –Singh Grant
  • Sustainability Reporting –Studies on SCCL – Obama –Singh Grant
  • Velchal watershed impact assessment sponsored by NABARD
  • Water Resource Management: Post Liberalization Issues and Challenges in Transforming Rural Andhra Pradesh and Telangana sponsored by ICSSR.
  • Sustainability Reporting – Case study of NTPC, SRC – ICSSR

MDP’s and conferences

  • Conducted MDP on “Best Practices in Sustainable Development” for MOIL Executives during 10th and 11th Sept, 2012
  • Supported AP Biodiversity Board in organizing COP-12 International Conference in S.Korea and actively associated with State Chapter
  • Organized a Two-Day National Conference on “Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation towards sustainable development” in collaboration with Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad & University College of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad during 20th and 21st February 2013
  • Conducted two day International Conference on “Sustainable Development: Global Perspective in collaboration with 500 Eco San Jose, USA on 20th and 21st February
  • Conducted one Day International Workshop on “Urban Green Space Management: Challenges and Opportunities” with Australia India Council on 27th February 2015.
  • Conducted Two Day National Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities – 23rd & 24th March 2017
  • Conducted First Southern Social Science Congress on “New Paradigms in Social Sciences Research for Sustainable and Prosperous Future “ 23rd – 25th March, 2017
  • Conducted Research Methodology Programme for Ph.D Scholars in Social Sciences – 15th -25th March, 2017


  • Published a Chapter on “Strategies to deal with climate change in Bangladesh and Nepal” for the book on “Climate Change” published by Luxemburg Publications UK.
  • Published a Book on “Strategies Climate Change and Sustainable Development” by Elsevier Publications
  • Published a book on “Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Global Perspective”
  • Preparation of Two Case Studies on Hamsaladeevi and Vekatayyapalem Peoples Biodiversity Registers is in progress
  • Prepared a Proposal for Chair on “Sustainable Development” for further submission to PEs.
  • Two Reports on Peoples Biodiversity Registers
  • One Migration Report
  • Three Case studies on Sustainability Reporting

Awards and achievements

  • “The centre is also recognized as a ‘Top Environment Policy Think Tank’ by the survey of the Think Tank Civil Society Programme from the University of Pennsylvania”. This category is dedicated to the leading environmental policy institutions of the global community. The top think tanks in this category provide superior innovative research and strategic analyses on various environmental issues that are of significance on a global level. These think tanks excel in research, analysis and public engagement on a wide range of policy issues with the aim of advancing debate, facilitating cooperation between relevant actors, maintaining public support and funding, and improving the overall quality of life in one of the relevant countries.
  • P S Janaki Krishna and Dr Ch. Lakshmi Kumari awarded as “BEST TEACHERS’ by Telangana Government
  • P S Janaki Krishna and Dr Ch. Lakshmi Kumari were selected as National Level Assessors for Sustainable Development by NIRDPR .

Actions and Plans

  • Follow up on MOU with NIRDPR
  • Empanelment with Centre for Good Governance on Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Prepared Proposal for Chair on Sustainable Development
  • Submitting proposals for Research and Consultancy.
  • Survey on SD Practices in PEs is planned. The questionnaire is being prepared.
  • Enlarging network
  • Partnering with Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change /Industry.
  • Targeting national / International projects.
  • Publications.